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Heat exchanger tube cleaning

Our Hydroflow tube cleaning equipment and accessories for internal and external tube bundles our suitable for all types of tube exchangers and boilers.
Hydroflow have been at the forefront of tube bundle cleaning projects for many years in the Middle East.
We have recently added to our accessories by further investment to offer our clients automated flexi lance operations through purchase of our two Peinemann TLE systems. These tools come into their own for the automated cleaning of fin fan tubes. The triple flexi lance systems of the TLE are speeding through many shutdown projects with less manpower and complete safety.
With working pressures from 10,000 psi up to 40,000 psi are history to date is to never fail to supply the equipment and to complete all bundle projects to the satisfaction of all our clients and their clients.
Our automated rigid lance systems manufactured by Stoneage, USA. are also a favourite among our clients. These automated systems working up to 40,000 psi have been utilized over the years to remove the most tenacious materials from internal tubes.
We have been involved in several tube cleaning projects to date that have been tried by others and failed by others. In some circumstances we have cleaned tubes that have been attempted by others during previous shutdown outages where other companies have failed we have acheived success.
Often we have to convince our clients that we will clean the tubes that have never been thoroughly cleaned for more than ten years.
On these occasions we are informed by the client that we have to prove ourselves. Many competitors have failed to clean tubes or simply run out of time during the shutdown periods to complete the cleaning.
On these occasions we look into the history of the cleaning regime, get as much information as possible before set up and ensure we are well equipped before arrival to site.
Once we are there and up and running, our clients walk away relieved knowing that finally the correct equipment, contractor and methods are being utilized to ensure the project is complete.
Having now under taken projects in South Africa, India, Pakistan and all Arabian and GCC Countries we believe our methods, specialist equipment knowledge and utilization of the right tool for the projects we believe that we are the most suitable service provider in the Middle East. Horizontal and vertical, tube bundles at various industrial plants throughout the region can now be brought to almost original condition. Heat transfer is all important during the many industrial processes; we can bring the heat transfer rate back to almost new condition when the plant was originally commissioned at start up.
With our proven track record and specialist equipment we are maintaining repeat business from all our clients. We do not hit and run, we will stick it out until all tubes are thoroughly cleaned.
We pride ourselves on our performance and our business approach to our clients, we are happy when you are happy.