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GRP lining removal

Hydroflow has multiple systems which are utilized during the removal of GRP lining typically between 3 to 5mm from the tanks bottom plates. Hydroflow utilizes a custom built Ultra High pressure Deck blaster for removing large surface areas of GRP lining and Ultra High pressure self-rotating nozzles for cleaning weld seams and tank walls.
Our Deck Blaster uses a combination of high flow and Ultra high pressure through an 8 nozzle configuration to effectively remove GRP coating down to bear metal fast and effectively. Our system is pneumatically driven to avoid any major strain or fatigue of the operator and can effectively clean a surface area of about 25m² per hour depending on site conditions.
Hydroflow utilizes a twin or single UHP gun system with self-rotation specialist nozzles for cleaning of the weld seams and walls of the tank. Subject to site conditions and operator experience, you can clean between 4-5m² per hour, per gun running.